
We are proud to work with a number of local companies and charities.

We donated a Bio Bidet to Disability North in 2008. It is located in one of the visitor toilets and can be used by members of the public.


Disability North is a free Independent Living Service which promotes social inclusion, independence and choice for disabled and older people in the North East of England and Cumbria. Disability North is a user led registered charity which works with, and for, disabled people, empowering them to maximise the control they have over their own lives.Our Service Team can provide information and advice on equipment for daily living, benefits and Direct Payments as well as advising on many other aspects of disability and signposting to other organisations who can help.

Our Mission: Disability North promotes inclusion, independence and choice for disabled people in the region.

Our Vision: To be the best resource on disability in the North.

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